Privacy and Security

Your privacy & security are our priority

Protecting your accounts and keeping your personal information secure is one of our most important responsibilities. At Amerant Mortgage, we continually upgrade safeguard technology to ensure your transactions are conducted with maximum confidentiality and protection. We hope that you take advantage of these helpful tools, tips and resources to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of fraud and identity theft.

Amerant Mortgage takes the following precautions to ensure that your personal information is safeguarded and your identity is protected:

  • We use safeguard technology to protect your transactions and data
  • We partner with law enforcement agencies
  • We employ strong security standards and fraud detection software
  • We are committed to principles and guidelines described in our Privacy Notice
  • We take proactive steps to assure strong compliance with the law
  • We protect the confidentiality of your data through a Secure Message e-mail platform
  • We require our employees to adhere to a Code of Ethics, which provides the highest legal and ethical standards and require them to take Identity Theft and Security training in order to ensure the confidentiality of your information
  • We have an Online Privacy Policy
  • We enforce Security Controls
  • We are obsessed about Protecting your Identity
  • We guard our platforms against Phishing Attacks


Protect Yourself

  • Never share your account number, personal identification number (PIN) or password
  • Create complex passwords with a mix of upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and symbols
  • Periodically change your online passwords to avoid unauthorized access
  • Set up online banking and mobile banking Alerts and Notifications
  • Review your account statement carefully every month and report any suspicious activity immediately
  • Never open email that looks suspicious
  • Never provide personal information when replying to an unsolicited email
  • Install antivirus software on your computer and update it regularly
  • Be cautious when using Wi-Fi or public computers
  • Keep your contact information updated so we can keep you informed